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Steamboat or Bust | Day 5 of 30 Days on the Road

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After the first full night of sleep in a week, it was time to hit the road and get to the mountains; the snowboard jones was killing me. The drive from Boulder to Steamboat is about 3 hours in good weather, and it was great weather. Blue skies and warm sun highlighted the windblown remnants of the Wednesday/Thursday snowstorm, but the roads were dry and we made good time.

The mountains were beautiful, I love this time of year in Colorado, there’s still color in the hills, but the mountains are crisp and white. Loveland was packed, which was great as it made me feel better about not stopping for a few laps (my gear was all in the boat, so riding had to wait one more day).

Coming down from Rabbit Ears Pass into Steamboat is such a great feeling; Steamboat feels more and more like home every year, and rounding that last corner and seeing the mountain always makes me a bit giddy. After a quick stop at the house to drop off luggage, tradition required a stop at Double Z’s for some fries and BBQ sauce, it really is the best.

I rounded out the day by partially unpacking and digging up enough gear to ride at Loveland on Sunday. Somewhat boring day for a blog post, but sometimes you have to get from Point A to Point B; today was that day in between.

“30 Days on the Road” is a blog series tracking my travel for thirty days in October and November; from leaving Alaska on October 27th until Steamboat opens on November 25th. Due to a series of cool opportunities I don’t have to be back at a “real job” until 11/26th, and after a summer that seemed way too long, I’ll be making the most of my free month with as much snow and snow industry fun as I can cram in. The goal is two-fold, first to get you pumped about the upcoming season, and two to help keep track of time as I wander aimlessly for a month.

I’ll also be posting updates on Facebook and Twitter, so make sure and check out the action there too.

3 thoughts on “Steamboat or Bust | Day 5 of 30 Days on the Road”

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